Tobacco vs. Nicotine Pouches – What’s the deal?

Tobacco vs. Nicotine Pouches – What’s the deal?

Making a choice between nicotine pouches or tobacco often boils down to preference. However, there are some key factors that play in favor of nicotine pouches. Quite unlike tobacco, nicotine pouches offer superior benefits and are generally safer to use. They are also discreet, small-sized, flavored and many of them taste great.

Nicotine pouches are about the best oral nicotine satisfaction available on the market today. They are an ideal choice for individuals trying to quit smoking and a great product to have in areas where public smoking is prohibited or frowned upon.

Compared to tobacco or tobacco-based “smokeless” products, the nicotine pouch holds a lot of advantages. But for those who do not know the difference between both substances/products, below is a brief exposé on what nicotine pouches are and how they differ from tobacco.

Nicotine Pouches

Nicotine pouches are flavored small bags or pouches that contain nicotine, flavorings, sweeteners, and plant-based fibers. They are easy to use and often an exciting experience for those trying them for the first time. Nicotine pouches have increasingly gained popularity amongst a new breed of individuals doing away with cigarettes and also amongst the youth population who are averse to smoking.

The Benefits of Nicotine Pouches over Tobacco

  • Nicotine pouches are discreet: In places where smoking is frowned upon, nicotine pouches are the next best option to get your dose of nicotine. They are small-sized, ultra-discrete and would fit quite perfectly between the lip and the gum without showing any bulge on the outside.  Choosing nicotine pouches means you no longer have to worry about fiddling around with lighters, or cigarette packs, or the occasional worry of what the next person thinks of your smoking.
  • They taste better than tobacco: Unlike tobacco products, nicotine pouches have a really great taste, and users are frequently spoiled for choice. This is because tobacco-free nicotine, in itself, is tasteless, and allows manufacturers to customize the taste, coloring, and flavor when making nicotine pouches. Another benefit of nicotine pouches is that most manufacturers utilize natural flavors in making their nicotine pouches, which lends a fresh taste to each experience.
  • Nicotine Pouches don’t Stain your Teeth: Long term tobacco users run the risk of stained teeth. It’s just one of the many disadvantages of using tobacco and tobacco-based smokeless products like snuff, and chewing tobacco. Nicotine pouches, on the other hand, would not stain your teeth. The ingredients used in making nicotine pouches are confined in a pristine white pouch, and this prevents the nicotine from having any direct contact with your teeth. Unlike tobacco, you stand a better chance of keeping your pearly white teeth even if you use nicotine.
  • They are friendlier to non-smokers: Nicotine pouches are a safe choice if you care about the effect smoking has on others around you. With nicotine pouches, you eliminate the risk of harmful second-hand smoke and the awful smell of most smokeless tobacco options and how they affect others around you.
  • A safer Option: Nicotine pouches are a safer option than tobacco based products. Research shows that tobacco based products are prone to cause cancers of the mouth, throat and pancreas, gum diseases, tooth loss, cavities and stained teeth. Users of tobacco based products also run the risk of developing heart disease and stroke. But the effects are not the same for people who use nicotine pouches.  At best, people who use nicotine pouches would suffer mild reactions or side effects and this is usually person-dependent.

How Nicotine Pouches are used

Nicotine pouches are placed between the gum and the upper lip where its content is slowly absorbed into the body. Usually, consumers of nicotine pouches are required to carry it in their mouth for up to an hour to feel the effect of the nicotine hit.

Please do not swallow!

Possible Side Effects

For the avoidance of doubt, people who use nicotine pouches also run some risks. They are likely to develop some side effects such as hiccups, sores in the mouth and stomach troubles.

However, as a potential nicotine-replacement therapy, nicotine pouches are most suitable for people trying to quit. Most brands have pouches in graduating concentrations, allowing individuals trying to quit the opportunity to gradually reduce their dependence on nicotine over time by reducing their intake of nicotine. You would find nicotine concentrations in nicotine pouches in varied quantities, from 2mg to 8mg.

Nicotine and Tobacco - Conclusion

From the above, it is easy to see that nicotine pouches are a better choice for people looking to quit smoking or those who have stopped smoking but need something to help with nicotine withdrawal symptoms.

Unlike other tobacco-based nicotine replacement therapies, nicotine pouches pose minimal side effects and are generally OK for use by different individuals with minimal restrictions. In conclusion, nicotine pouches are a safe quitting smoking treatment that can help ease your cravings for cigarettes, and manage the irritable feelings, insomnia, and flu-like symptoms of nicotine withdrawal.